Shine On Blog Award Nominee

Thanks so much to Nancy Cohen for nominating the Hasty Tasty Meals Kitchen for a Shine On award.



The Shine On Award Rules

  1. Link back to and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Post the badge on your blog.
  3. Answer the questions posed to you.
  4. Nominate five bloggers who shine a little light in your day and notify them.
  5. Ask five questions for your nominees.

Nancy’s Questions for Me:

What genre do you read for fun?

Romance. I love most sub-genres of romance fiction. I confess I also read cookbooks for fun.

Do you revise as you go along or wait until your first draft is done?

I revise as I go, which makes me a slow producer. I’ve tried turning off my internal editor. Can’t do it.

What advice would you give aspiring authors?

Don’t be defensive about critiques.  Seek feedback from stronger writers and heed their advice. Enter drawings at writing conferences for critiques from editors or authors. And always–always–thank them for their help.

Do you have beta readers and who are they?

Yes, my author friend Judith Leigh is my beta reader. Author Dee S. Knight is my critique partner. Both are incredibly supportive and helpful.

What’s an interesting item you’ve researched for your current work in progress?

The witness security program is not very much like it’s portrayed in the entertainment industry. The U.S. Marshalls do a super job at protecting witnesses. They’ve never lost one yet who followed all the rules, but many ignore their handler’s advice. I wrote two pieces of fiction from my research: RECLAIM MY LIFE and VEILED THREAT. As for my cookbook writing, I credit Alton Brown (“Good Eats”) for inspiring me to dig deeper into the science of food. Thanks to him, I now understand stuff like when to use baking soda instead of baking powder, and when to use both.

And I nominate some of my favorite cooking blogs:

The Home Heart Wholesome and healthful recipes on a budget

The Elegant Gourmet Frankie Harvey makes 5 Star Restaurant quality food at home

Ranting Chef Makes new twists on familiar dishes, and does product reviews, too

Chicklets in the Kitchen Writers dishing about recipes and other kitchen happenings.

En Quete de Saveur (flavor quest) Using food preparation to de-stress and enjoy.

Pay these sites a visit and you’ll see why I nominated them for a Shine-on Blog Award.

My Questions for the Nominees:

  1. What attracts you to a recipe blog?
  2. What is your favorite type of recipe to post?
  3. Are you a fan of TV cooking shows? If so, name your favorite.
  4. Do you prefer dining at home over dining in a restaurant?
  5. What is your go-to cookbook, the one you refer to most often?

I look forward to reading their answers.


Filed under cooking, Healthful Eating, Recipes

4 responses to “Shine On Blog Award Nominee

  1. I enjoyed your replies. I try not to revise as I go along. Usually I shoot straight through the first draft, then I go back for several rounds of revisions. Wish I had the time to browse through all the cookbooks in my collection!

  2. Hi Cheryl!! Thank you so very much for the nomination! WHat an honor!

    My Questions for the Nominees:
    1. What attracts you to a recipe blog? I am usually attracted to a recipe blog first, because of the photo. Plating design intrigues me, so I will look at that first. Then, an unusual ingredient will always grab my attention,

    2.What is your favorite type of recipe to post? I am inspired by everything in season. I will pick an ingredient, transforming it, but still make it so the home cook will be inspired to switch it up, by say, using different herbs or substitute a different cheese.
    3.Are you a fan of TV cooking shows? If so, name your favorite. Only a few. I have two favorites! Barefoot Contessa and Iron Chef.. okay, and Chopped! Three in all!
    4.Do you prefer dining at home over dining in a restaurant? YES! Absolutely.
    5.What is your go-to cookbook, the one you refer to most often? Chef Cheri, that is a great question and a tough one as well, for me. I pour over Julia Child, The Art of French Cooking, frequently. Also, my family’s Lebanese cookbook.

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination!

  4. Pingback: Macaroni Salad & a Shine On Award | The Home Heart

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